
Website Owner:

Moritz Schorpp

Contact Information:

Phone: (+49) 174 69 48 311


Lichtenbergplatz 2a
30449 Hannover

Responsible for Content:

Moritz Schorpp


The content on this website is created and maintained with the utmost care. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We reserve the right to modify, update, or remove content without notice.

Copyright Notice:

All photographs, images, and text on this website are the intellectual property of Moritz Schorpp and are protected by copyright law. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the content on this website is strictly prohibited.

Data Protection and Privacy:

We respect your privacy and take data protection seriously. Any personal information you provide, such as your email address, will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. We do not share your information with third parties.

Links to Third-Party Websites:

This website may contain links to third-party websites for reference and convenience. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites.

Design and Development:

This website was designed and developed by Mark Julien Hahn. For inquiries regarding website design and development services, please contact


This website is hosted by Strato AG. For hosting-related inquiries, please contact

Moritz Schorpp (b. 1994) is a portrait and documentary photographer, currently studying Visual Journalism and Documentary Photography at Hochschule Hanover, Germany.

A portait photograph by Moritz Schorpp

For any enquiries, collaborations, portfolio requests, prints and ideas please feel free to get in touch.

(+49) 174 69 48 311

Imprint / privacy

A portait photograph by Moritz Schorpp


Website Owner:

Moritz Schorpp

Contact Information:

Phone: (+49) 174 69 48 311


Lichtenbergplatz 2a
30449 Hannover

Responsible for Content:

Moritz Schorpp


The content on this website is created and maintained with the utmost care. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. We reserve the right to modify, update, or remove content without notice.

Copyright Notice:

All photographs, images, and text on this website are the intellectual property of Moritz Schorpp and are protected by copyright law. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the content on this website is strictly prohibited.

Data Protection and Privacy:

We respect your privacy and take data protection seriously. Any personal information you provide, such as your email address, will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. We do not share your information with third parties.

Links to Third-Party Websites:

This website may contain links to third-party websites for reference and convenience. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these websites.

Design and Development:

This website was designed and developed by Mark Julien Hahn. For inquiries regarding website design and development services, please contact


This website is hosted by Strato AG. For hosting-related inquiries, please contact

Moritz Schorpp (b. 1994) is a portrait and documentary photographer, currently studying Visual Journalism and Documentary Photography at Hochschule Hanover, Germany.

For any enquiries, collaborations, portfolio requests, prints and ideas please feel free to get in touch.

(+49) 174 69 48 311

Imprint / privacy

A portait photograph by Moritz Schorpp